Minnesota Dental Association Announces 2023-2024 Officers and Trustees

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — New officers and trustees were elected at the Minnesota Dental Association’s annual House of Delegates meeting on September 27 in Bloomington.

The newly elected 2023-2024 officers include Dr. Rosalie Perpich as president; Dr. Alejandro Aguirre as president-elect; Dr. Scott Wagnild as first vice-president; and Dr. John Noack as second vice-president. Dr. Stephen McDonnell was reelected as speaker of the house. Continuing his term as treasurer is Dr. Loren Taple.

Dr. Perpich practices at Stillwater Family Dental in Oak Park Heights. Dr. Aguirre recently retired and resides in Plymouth. Dr. Scott Wagnild practices at Northern Lakes Dental in Fergus Falls. Dr. Noack practices at Professional Dental Group in Northfield. Dr. Steve McDonnell resides in St. Paul. Dr. Loren Taple practices at Northwood Dental in Eagan.

Elected to fill terms as trustees were Dr. Nathan Pedersen (Hibbing), Northeastern District and Brandon Ulstad (Madison), West Central District. Dr. Paul Morgan (Winona) was elected to complete the remaining term as trustee in the Southeastern District.

Other trustees currently serving include Dr. Zach Hazelton (Bemidji), Northwestern District; Dr. Geetha Damodaran (White Bear Lake), Saint Paul District; Dr. Lee Ann Herbert (Minneapolis), Minneapolis District; Dr. Seth Huiras (Montgomery), Southern District; and Mr. Brady Hartman (Minneapolis), Student District. 

The Association looks forward to a successful year working under the direction of these dedicated leaders.

The Minnesota Dental Association is the voice of dentistry in Minnesota, representing practicing dentists. It is committed to the highest standards of oral health and access to care for all Minnesotans. Learn more at: www.mndental.org.

SOURCE Minnesota Dental Association