TAZO and Issa Rae Announce the TAZO Cafe Collective

TAZO and Issa Rae Announce the TAZO Cafe Collective

TAZO is now seeking innovative local and independent cafes in the U.S. to join TAZO Cafe Collective and create bold new tea and latte drinks with TAZO Chai Concentrate and TAZO Iced Passion Concentrate. Cafes selected by TAZO to join the program will receive funding and marketing support from TAZO to help their businesses thrive, plus free and discounted product.

“When I was just getting my start, community cafes were spaces where I found inspiration for some of my favorite stories. Now as a cafe owner, I’m excited to join TAZO to support more of these spaces and the communities they inspire,” said Issa Rae, co-owner of Hilltop Coffee + Kitchen.

Issa Rae’s Hilltop Coffee + Kitchen is the TAZO Cafe Collective’s founding partner. To mark the launch, Hilltop Coffee + Kitchen released Issa Rae’s TAZO Passion Twist, a deliciously refreshing iced drink now served in all Hilltop locations. Fans can access Issa’s signature drink recipe made with TAZO Iced Passion mix to recreate at home at TAZO.com/CafeCollective.

“For as long as we can remember, cafes are core to the communities they serve. They are a conduit for creativity and connection,” said Ajay Relan, Hilltop Coffee + Kitchen co-owner. “At Hilltop, our goal is to leave our patrons better than we found them. Shout out to TAZO for highlighting businesses like ours across the country and reminding us that we’re all in this, together.” 

The TAZO Cafe Collective is the latest initiative in TAZO’s journey to challenge the status quo to better society and regenerate communities from within, representing a $250,000+ commitment to invest in local and independent cafes.

“Local cafes are vital to communities—they’re where great ideas happen and where innovative drinks are served,” said Galila Gray, TAZO Brand Purpose and Content Lead. “They take care in serving their neighborhoods, just like TAZO takes care in crafting distinct, delicious tea blends. We’re excited to see what we make together.”

“TAZO is the leading chai concentrate brand,” said Saumya Mishra, Vice President of Marketing, Lipton Teas and Infusions North America. “Our portfolio of iced tea and latte mixes create a range of experiences for everybody’s taste buds and are an essential tool for creating exciting beverages in cafes and at home.”

TAZO’s portfolio of iced tea and latte mixes are available in grocers and retail stores nationwide. Cafes interested in joining the TAZO Cafe Collective can learn more and apply starting today at TAZO.com/CafeCollective.

*TAZO defines an independent restaurant as a small and/or locally owned business that is not associated by any corporate chain and is run by the owner(s). The owner of the restaurant has the decision-making authority over all restaurant operations. It may have several locations.


TAZO exists to challenge the status quo in order to better society. Founded in 1994 by Steven Smith, TAZO has a rich history of pushing taste and blend boundaries in the specialty tea segment, with its core values rooted in supporting a sustainable and equitable future for all. Carefully crafted with the most delicious tea leaves, spices, and botanicals, TAZO’s portfolio includes hot and iced tea, concentrates, k-cup pods, bottled tea, and tea bags. For more information, including where to purchase, please visit TAZO.com.


Mallory Zuckerman 

[email protected]


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