Wayne Yoakam’s New Book, “The Marvelous Adventures of Baxter the very famous Broad backed Bear and His Fabulous Friends,” Follows a Bear with a Very Unique Talent

Portland, OR, September 28, 2023 –(PR.com)– Fulton Books author Wayne Yoakam (Sometimes known as Clarence) has completed his most recent book, “The Marvelous Adventures of Baxter the very famous Broad backed Bear and His Fabulous Friends”: a charming and fascinating story of a baby bear who discovers a special talent that leads him on a thrilling journey around the world.

Born in 1947 and raised on a farm in Central Ohio, author Wayne Yoakam was the first of his entire family to go to college, graduating with a BS in education. After working in Costa Rica for three years as an agronomist he returned to the US and taught high school English, but soon decided decided he was not meant to be a drill sergeant. He then apprenticed and became a master finish carpenter for almost forty years with a two-year hiatus working in Africa where he wrote his first book, “Song of the Dragon.”

Author Wayne Yoakam writes, “Well, now Baxter the Broad-Back Bear was no ordinary bear from the day he was born. He was just the littlest-bittiest baby bear anyone in Enchanted Forest had ever seen before. Then after a serious tragedy that kept him really, really hungry all night long, he started eating (big time!) and started growing (big time!).

“Wow, he started growing so fast that he got growing pains—ached all over, couldn’t sleep for beans, and started dancing at night to ease the pain. That’s when he accidentally discovered the special skill that made him the most unique bear in the whole world, very most likely in the whole universe. His unique skill made him famous throughout the world, the toast of all of Europe and far beyond, and the fabulous star of the Grand Spitzenburg Circus.”

Published by Fulton Books, Wayne Yoakam’s book will take readers on a thrilling journey as they follow Baxter across the globe, meeting interesting and inventive characters all due to his incredible dancing/twirling skills that have gained him fame and success.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “The Marvelous Adventures of Baxter the very famous Broad backed Bear and His Fabulous Friends” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

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